£3 left and 1 day to go
Today was a very cheap day for me. Apple, bread, cream cheese and nutella. For dinner i cooked up some english sausage (what a treat). I spent most of the day at the national gallery, and in the afternoon taking more pictures of the city (the weather was perfect for photography, blue sky with little white clouds). Tomorrow im going to the British Museum; i've been anxiously waiting to see this place ever since i planned my trip to London...it has lots of cool things such as the Rosetta Stone.
[ this blog posting has been possible due to the generosity of one of the staff members who gave me his employee internet smart card ]

"My name's Ben, Big Ben"
There's a small market over on Queesway (not too far up from Bayswater) that used to sell a baked potato filled with a nice tuna salad for around a pound 50 or so....
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