Copenhagen got some warm spring weather on my last day. I spent the day walking around the city; this place in unbelievably clean, all the homes are painted in bright colors. Just like in Amsterdam, everyone rides bikes...While talking on their cell phones and smoking cigarettes. The highlight of my day was going to Christiania. This is a district of Copenhagen that is a lawless society (well kinda). Back in the '70, the government decided to try a social experiment...the blocked off a section of land and let people (ie hippies) live on their own without any government influence (no taxes, no roads, no health benefits, no get the picture). This of course degenerated into a haven for hard drugs and in 2004 the government had enough and raided the place. Now it's a little tamer...only soft drugs. Anyway, it's like stepping into another world...very dirty, junk everywhere, all the walls are spray painted with trippy designs, dogs running around and plenty of hippies. I wasn't allowed to take pictures...but i did get a couple shots of the cool spray paint designs.

Oh partying kinda sucks here cause the booze is so expensive (roughly 6 euros a beer). But mukkul and I wouldn't let that spoil our fun, so we bribed a 7-11 clerk to sell us a 12-pack (after the legal buying time) and we did some heavy pre-drinking before going out last night.
My final note for today, on the train to the airport I met the worlds number 2 ranked, female water ski jumper. Danish gal with a cute australian accent. She was even so nice as to offer to take me water skiing the next time im in demark. Her name's June Fladborg. Being in the presence of celebrity...i had to get a picture with her.

June & I
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