Last night i talked to an Irish girl from Belfast who is by far the most hardcore traveler ive ever met. She started her trip one month ago in Warsaw and traveled south over the tatra mountains into Slovakia...on her bike covering 100km a day. I saw the bike...it's not any high tech machine either...its a standard bicycle...the kind you can pick up second hand for 80 bucks. She has a sleeping bag with her but no tent, not necessary if you dont mind getting wet once in a while. To top this off...she travels with a saxophone strapped to her back...which she uses to make some money when stopping in cities.
It's interesting how many misconceptions western media feeds us about places around the world. Coming to Bratislava i had really low expectations. Maybe it was a clip from Top Green's Eurotrip or something...but i was expecting a very bland, lifeless place. Not the case, there's a nice old town filled with cafes serving amazing food (and cafe lattes like in vienna but for one fifth of the price). There's a castle, plenty of museums, no visible mcdonalds and very few tourists. On the other side of the coin, you have dung-holes like Casablanca which attract western tourists simply because of a hollywood movie.

Frozen in time. One of the many random, but cool pieces of art in the streets of bratislava.
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