Before i get on the topic of tattoos...heres a little update. I spent the last couple day on mljet...a remote island with a nice national park. I rented a scooter and drove around...found remote stretches of ultra blue water for swimming. Also went swimming though a natural cave as well as a salt water lake. Today i arrived on my next island Korcula...Korcula town is like a mini, chilled out dubrovnik.
I guess there are good and bad tattoos. Although im not a fan of them in general, i have seen some really original ones and some really really bad ones. The coolest tattoo ive seen, i actually witnessed the tattoo being made, was in istanbul. A canadian girl at the hostel had the bartender (who doubled as a tattoo artist) create a tattoo on the inside arches of her feet. So that when she placed her feet side by side it read: "All the world" "at my feet". Apparently very painful...but was a cool way of remembering her travels. The worst tattoo ive ever seen was on a guy from san diego. San diego has a big tattoo culture and this guy fit right in. His background was german/norwegian/mexican so he had one tattoo dedicated to each piece of his problem. For his german heritage...his chose a german phrase, which i cant remember at the moment but when translated into english seemed fine. The tattoo was written in large fonts that spand the underside of both his arms. Unfortunately for our clueless californian dude (and his clueless californian tattoo artist...who probably just picked out this phrase from some tattoo book), the phrase was straight out of the anthem for nazi germany. To make things worse, it´s also written in a similar font used by the nazis. We were sitting at an outdoor cafe along with a bunch of other people including a group of germans who noticed it right away and asked him if he was a nazi. Poor guy. Apparently he walks around with is arms at his sides every time he´s in germany.

My daily chillout spot
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