I like this city so much that yesterday i went out and bought a "Sarajevo" sweater. Last night i saw an awesome Ska band at a local pub...the place was jam packed, the band was awesome...monday night. Apparently the nightlife is in full gear every night except for wednesdays...but the locals do admit that it has gone a little down hill. Apparently the nightlife was best during the four years that the city was under siege! Even the Sarajevo film festival got its start during the siege. Today i took a tour of the town, we visited the tunnel museum...a regular country home which contained the entrance to a 800m tunnel that went under the sarajevo airport. The tunnel was built by the bosnians during the war and was the only connection the city had to the outside world for nearly four years (serbian army controlled all the hills around the city).
Im frustrated with the fact that i came here with little knowledge, and incorrect stereotypes of the people and culture. After speaking to other backpackers, it seems most people feel the same way. This is a city where people of many religions have lived side by side for hundreds of years without major conflict. A city, where during the second world war, important jewish artifacts and books were stored in islamic mosques. Its the only city in the world (apart from jerusalem) where you can find a mosque, a Catholic cathedral, a jewish synagogue and an orthodox church within 150 meters of each other. And most recently its a city where people of different ethnicities and religions fought together to defend their city and home from an invading army. This has been by for the most enlightening and interesting stop on my trip. Add to this the beauty of the town and the lack of tourists, i stamp this city the "hidden gem" of europe. Try to get here before the fast food chains and tour buses start rolling in.

Parliament building
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