Pictures & Food
Today was an exceptionably nice day in Paris. I had been waiting for the perfect weather to make another pass at all the sites and get some good some. I also visited sacre coeur for the first time which was real cool. Inside, there was a group of nuns singing hymns.

Sacre Coeur
Yesterday, i spent most of the day eating and drinking....really. After buying some new underwear (for reasons i don't want to dive into), i came back home with a bottle of red wine, polish sausage, pickles and a whole bunch of french cheeses that perrine helped me select and i sat down and ate. A few hours later (im still at the table), dinner was served...we had guests over, about 8 of us, and then cheese after dinner again. Witold was afraid that my non-french stomach may not be able to handle the unpasturized cheese...but no problem. Oh, and after dinner last night, james and i took igor out for his bachelor party. Nothing crazy, just like igor wanted it. Tonight im heading out to the suburbs for dinner at elodie's place and the wedding is tomorrow.

Cheese please
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