Some cool things have happened in the last few days. My final day in Cordoba ended with a free Flamenco show in the city´s main square, there was about 600-800 people packed late at night watching the show.
Yesterday i arrived in Sevilla (Seville). Found a hostel no problem, met a german girl who gave me a tour of the city (she had studied/lived here a few years ago). After which, i attended a bull fight in the main stadium. It was pretty entertaining. The stadium was essentially sold out, i had a decent seat (cost 9 euros). I don´t know much about the rules of this 'sport'...but i thought the bull has some chance of winning his freedom. Like the first bull for instance, on a number of occasions his tore out the cape from the matadors hands (boos from the audience). Then it took about 5 sword stabbing attempts before the sword actually stayed in. Maybe they should change the rules...three strikes for the matador and the he´s free. Anyway, the climax of the event was when one of the matadors got completely destroyed by the bull...the next paragraph recounts the event:
We pick up the action after the bull is a little tired and has gotten a couple big stabs from the horsemen. Now it´s time for the guys with the 3-foot long sticks they try to jab into the back. Well it doesn´t go as planned. The first guy tries, and the sticks don´t stick. Then the next guy makes and attempt...gets them in, but the bull smacks straight into him, knocking him back a good 5 meters onto his ass. The bull then proceeds to smack him around, trample and all kinds of other great things for a good 10 seconds. At this point the entire crowd is on its feet, everyone is yelling and all the matadors with their tight paints and funny capes are running to the rescue. The dude, is on the floor and clearly injured, and finally another one of the guys distracts him and the bull gets out of the way. Now the guy, tries to get up...very slowly since he´s pretty beat-up...and by the time he gets to his knees the bull turns around and charges him from about 8 meters away...lifts the guy on his horns...a few bounces in the air and throws him another few meters. Needless to say, the guy was unconscious...6 people carried him off the field. At this point, i honestly thought the bull had won its freedom...nope...stupid sport. Anyway, i got great picture of the guy being impaled on the horns...will post ASAP.
Last night im met up with a friend from seattle, Fritz and his younger bro James. Today we spend the day walking around the city...more tapas and beer later tonight.

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